
Title Villa sur MEUSE
Status completed
Program house
Area 220 m2
Duration 2013 - 2016
Location Dave, Be
Coordinates 50°25'33.21"N 4°52'24.07"E
Budget € HTVA

Caroline DETHIER photographer 

The house is located in an exceptional setting: on the banks of the Meuse, against the rocks of Néviau, on rue du Rivage in Dave. In terms of program, it is necessary to carry out an extension of the volume. The bias is to achieve an additional floor by increasing the volume. The additional floor would come to rest on the first volume, while respecting the main lines of the modernist architecture of the house and working with a horizontal vocabulary in relation to the landscape, the Meuse and the rocks in the background. In order to maintain homogeneity throughout the intervention, the proposed project therefore builds on the existing horizontality. The volume "unfolds", "folds" and incorporates the proposed enhancement. Between these "ribbons" is the program, sometimes glazed on the Meuse side, at the level of the living and night space, sometimes intimated on the rocks and railway side where only a few horizontal bands take place in a wooden covering.

© Caroline Dethier

© Caroline Dethier

© Caroline Dethier

© Caroline Dethier

© Caroline Dethier

© Caroline Dethier

© Caroline Dethier

© Caroline Dethier

© Caroline Dethier

© Caroline Dethier

© SPECIMEN architects