
Title House HD
Status completed
Program house
Area 130 m2
Duration 2014 - 2016
Location Maillen, Belgium
Coordinates 50°21'46.21"N 4°56'24.11"E
Budget € HTVA

Yannick Milpas photography

This family house, located in the countryside of Namur, is the proof that you can make architecture with few ressources. The construction site had many strenghts; like an unobstructed view over the fields, a south-west orientation, a slight slope... The command was to build a small house with three bedrooms and one bathroom on a thight budget. During the design process, we made the choice to implement small spaces with large openings to highlight the views over the garden, in order to create a sensation of space and to get profit from the heat of the sun in the wintertime. An other way to improve the qualities of the house without make it bigger was to create polyvalent spaces melting into each other. The entrance, is located in the staircase, on a split level. A bookshelf separates it from the living room and this piece of furniture is also the balustrade of the study room upstair. This combination aids greatly in creating a spacious feeling. The house is very performant, it’s well insulated and it’s only heated by a wood stove. 

© Yannick Milpas

© Yannick Milpas

© Yannick Milpas

© Yannick Milpas

© Yannick Milpas

© Yannick Milpas

© Yannick Milpas

© SPECIMEN architects