
Status competition
Program culture
Area 1000 m2
Duration 2018 - 2018
Location Villers-le-Bouillet, Belgium
Coordinates 50°34'10.39"N 5°15'47.36"E
Owner commune de Villers-le-Bouillet
Budget 1.500.000€ HTVA


The scenario envisaged by the municipality of Villers to structure its future development foresees the extension of the village core to the place of the new town hall. The objective is to recreate a space grouping public functions
(administration, rural house, house mutli-services, early childhood home,...) and in doing so, to induce a new dynamic within the village. The stake of a rural house in this place is particularly interesting. It is a program that brings together. The goal is to allow the village to come to life, to live to the rhythm of various initiatives. From the outside, the building is recognizable, the height of the room is immediately identifiable and creates a new landmark in the landscape. Tocover spaces where high ceilings are not required, a sloped roof extends asymmetrically as neededin relation to the area to be covered or sheltered from the sun. This volumetric set is treated withthe same material, it is a vernacular material used for centuries in the region: the interlocking S-tile. It is a local material, inexpensive and hasa reassuring side. Its format makes it possibleto create a graphic pattern in the volume by playing on the various existing shades. It is a contemporary way to implement this material which reminds, seen from the sky, the graphics of the hesbignons landscapes marked by the plot and the color of the cultures. The volume is carved organically according to the needs. Its frame is made of wood. The frameworks of the old farms of the region were studied according to the needs of the spaces to be covered. The structural system of the new rural house is inspired by this process. The volume is made of a real woodframe. Its complex shape is studied to best meet structural constraints while using the leastamount of material possible. From the outside, only the terracotta volume of the main room is visible, surrounded by shed whose slope has been studied to give the whole of the harmonious proportions.

The scenario envisaged by the municipality
of Villers to structure its future development
foresees the extension of the village core to
the place of the new town hall. The objective is
to recreate a space grouping public functions
(administration, rural house, house mutli-
services, early childhood home, ...) and in
doing so, to induce a new dynamic within the
village. The stake of a rural house in this place is
particularly interesting. It is a program that brings
together. The goal is to allow the village to come
to life, to live to the rhythm of various initiatives.
From the outside, the building is recognizable,
the height of the room is immediately identifiable
and creates a new landmark in the landscape. To
cover spaces where high ceilings are not required,
a sloped roof extends asymmetrically as needed
in relation to the area to be covered or sheltered
from the sun. This volumetric set is treated with
the same material, it is a vernacular material
used for centuries in the region: the interlocking
S-tile. It is a local material, inexpensive and has
a reassuring side. Its format makes it possible
to create a graphic pattern in the volume by
playing on the various existing shades. It is a
contemporary way to implement this material
which reminds, seen from the sky, the graphics
of the hesbignons landscapes marked by the
plot and the color of the cultures. The volume is
carved organically according to the needs. Its
frame is made of wood. The frameworks of the old
farms of the region were studied according to the
needs of the spaces to be covered. The structural
system of the new rural house is inspired by
this process. The volume is made of a real wood
frame. Its complex shape is studied to best meet
structural constraints while using the least
amount of material possible. From the outside,
only the terracotta volume of the main room is
visible, surrounded by shed whose slope has
been studied to give the whole of the harmonious
